When Rev. Thea asked me to write about how God played a part in my life, I looked back and decided to start at the beginning. At the age of two months, my birth parents brought me to a boarding house. They left and never came back. Something guided them there. I think God was on my side that day. The owners of the boarding house kept me and raised me as their own. I had a wonderful childhood. They say God works in mysterious ways. I believe he did that day.
When my first child was born, she did not breathe. The doctor called in a nurse to say a prayer over her. Within minutes, she let out a cry. The doctor said, “That did it.” God was on my side that day also. How many times I have called on him, I cannot say. A lot!
When my third son was born, he was a preemie. Rev. Allen Cark came and said a prayer over him and also me. I was so grateful I gave Allen as a middle name to my son. And again God was on my side. He made it.
My husband and his family worked the family farm. We prayed a lot back then. As God says, “Ye who tilleth the soil is closest to God.”
After 54 years together, my husband passed away. When he was in the nursing home for seven months, I wrote this poem for him and put it outside his door in the glass.
Dear God, hear my prayer
I know that you care
The man who dwells within
Is not the one who has been
He is loved by all
Please answer my call
He’s been through life’s trials
Let there be peace of mind
For the rest of the miles
Please God, hear my prayer
I know that you care
God has been there for me in so many ways. I believe He is still on my side. I still have a great family and lots of friends. Now that I am elderly, they all keep in touch with me daily.
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